Long Katana 刀 blade with fine Koshirae Tsuba Mount Fuji 富士山 Kozuka 小柄 "The cry of the cicada" (蝉の鳴き声)
A beautiful example of Japanese Nihonto art 美術 日本刀
Throughout the centuries, Japanese swords were generally forged in measurements according to the height of the first recipient warrior.
The most common measurement until recent times was between 60 to 67-68 cm. at most. Any ancient sword that exceeds these measurements can be considered a long Katana.
Katana blade:
Nagasa 70,9 cm.
Sori: 1.6 cm.
Moto-haba: 3,15 cm.
Saki-haba: 2,3 cm.
Moto-gasane: 0.74 cm.
Saki-gasane: 0.43 cm.
Forged steel: Tamahagane 玉鋼
Mekugi-ana (目釘穴): Three (The mekugi-ana are the holes in the tsuka and nakago for the mekugi).
Hamon: Suguha (shinogi white line strong delimited with tones that denotes a high quality tempering)
Hada: Masame (also Matsu pattern between some lines) as can be seen in the close-up photos magnified
Mei: Mumei
Edge: Very sharpened. Perfect razor type
Polished: Recently done by a Togishi (Japanese master polisher)
Blade condition:
Overall excellent.
Only very light dots could be noted, some lines and shadows of old oxidation on the surface and in the Mune both near the Nakago. Everything realy practically invisible to the eye but is indicated only by an exact description. With the recient polishing has been sharpened to can get the original traditional razor edge
High grade Koshirae 拵え
Cicada 蝉 Haiku 俳句 Koshirae with Kogai and Kozuka/Kogatana:
Honoki wood (Hinoki 檜 Japanese Cypress)
Same: Samegawa genuine Rayskin
Tsukamaki 柄巻 (handle wrapping) Ito: Natural Silk
Fuchi/Kashira: Iron and Copper depicted Cherry blossoms, Insect, rising Sun. Gold and Silver inlay work
Menuki 目貫 couple: Shakudo 赤銅 with Gold and Silver inlay
Habaki 鎺:
Tsuba 鍔
Forged Iron
Four Mount Fuji 富士山 representations in fine traditional openwork. A very rare Tsuba dated on Edo period.
Honoki wood (Hinoki 檜 Japanese Cypress)
Koiguchi/Kurikata/Kojiri: Black buffalo horn
Shitodome couple: Silver
Lacquer 漆 Urushi black and red with Gold dots
Sageo: Silk
Kogai 笄 (Traditional Hairpin accessory):
Copper alloy with Silver inlay
Kogatana 小型な
Forged and tempered Tamahagane. Signed work.
Kozuka 小柄 (Kogatana 小型な handle):
A extremely rare and fine work with Gold and Silver inlay. Dated from the Edo period as the Kogatana.
Depicted reference to "The cry of the cicada" (蝉の鳴き声) the Matsuo Bashō (松尾芭蕉) Haiku (short poem) Haikai no renga (俳諧の連歌) signed sealed.
Cicada included maked of Gold inlaid high relief.
"The cry of the cicada" 蝉の鳴き声 cicadas sound - 閑さや岩にしみ入る蝉の声 - Quietness and the voice of cicadas seeping into the rocks
is a poem composed by Matsuo Bashō on May 27, 1689 (July 13, 1689) when he visited Risshakuji Temple in Dewa Province (now Yamagata City). Recorded in "Oku no Hosomichi". In the "Tsuiyo Nikki" written by Kawai Sora, who accompanied him, he is described as the voice of cicadas that cling to the temples and rocks of the mountains. Known as Shugin's poem in "Oku no Hosomichi"
Poem begins by saying:
In the cicada's cry
No sign can foretell
How soon it must die...
and ends with other reference to the Bushidō (武士道 ) spirit :
The summer grasses
All that remains
Of brave warrior dreams...
Bukuro 袋 (Katana bag also called because the fonetical translation "Fukuro"):
It is a very old craft work quality made of raw silk in fabric woven in the traditional way and themes. Lining of black silk fabric. It is preserved in quite good condition as can be seen in the pictures.
Original documentation:
Kyoiku-inkai - Japanese official documentation (paper previously called Daimyo):
Sealed copy of this Prefectural (Kyoiku-inkai) Registration Card In order to legally own a original sword in Japan it has to be registered in accordance with the Ju-to-ho 銃刀法
Daimyo Registered: This sword was registered in current sword registration system started in Japan in modern era. Such swords, which were registered in a few years after the system started, are known among collectors as "Daimyo" (feudal lord) registration swords as it was Daimyo or other Daimyo-like wealthy families who owned many precious swords and were asked by the Japanese government to register their swords in the early stage of the newly introduced registration system to familiarize it to the society but it is not the official name of course what is Kyoiku-inkai (Prefectural Registration Card)
And our own certification from as expert signed and sealed
Ref.: Katana 106